About Us

At Elite Home, we are dedicated to our clients by offering products that are high in quality and always in demand. What sets Elite Home aside from our competitors is that we fully control every aspect of our production from the conceptual design of our products to sales and distribution. Unlike other companies, we maintain a rooted commitment to our clients by designing and producing products indicative of regional cultures. That is, we do not import pre-manufactured fabrics from other countries, but instead we produce our own products that directly serve local consumer demand. Our goal is to add to our selection of high-quality bedding items so that we can continue to serve and satisfy our clients. We are constantly forming partnerships with numerous distributors and aim to reach clients around the world. All of our products are designed in Dubai, UAE and manufactured in Italy, Turkey, India and China so not only getting the most genuinebedding products but you are getting them from the people that know them best. Our team of designers are committed to offering only the finest in quality and style with exceptional custom embroidery and intriciate sewing techniques.

One of the leading manufacture, distributor and retailer of luxury comforter sets in GCC manufacturing products for different retailers under their own private label as well as selling its own range of premium brand, Professor, through its own retail stores across GCC.

  • Established : 2006
  • Number of SKUs : Over 1000
  • Product categories : Over 10 categories including Comforters, Bed Sheets, Duvet Covers, Pillows, Towels, Perfumes, etc.